Future astcenc ideas

01 May 2022

It’s taken a couple of years, but the current astcenc release (3.7) has been pretty well dialled in for both x86 and Arm implementations. Nearly every path has been vectorized, and the heuristics have been tuned up to give a good performance-quality return.

This blog is a bit of a brain-dump looking on possible future directions. Ideas have been split into two sections: “big ideas” which are probably a significant rewrite of the compressor, and “small ideas” which are more incremental.

Big ideas

The current algorithms in the compressor are well optimized, so to get a multiples-faster compressor there would need to be some more radical changes to the data processing pipeline. (Yes, I’m aware I said this last year and then managed to find another 2x from incremental improvement. It feels less likely this time around …)

These “big ideas” will entail a significant rewrite, so I make no promises that I’ll ever pick these up, but this is what’s currently bouncing around in my head as ideas that have potential …

LDR 8-bit or 16-bit data path

The current compressor is designed with a unified data path for both LDR and HDR encoding, and to hit this the main compressor path uses 32-bit floats. For LDR formats with 8-bit inputs this feels like it’s overkill, even though the hardware decompressor will default to 16-bit intermediates (except for non-sRGB) which can help a little with round-off error.

Moving to an 8-bit or 16-bit integer-based data path has potential for a big gain as we could process 4x/2x more items per vector operation. Supporting this on SSE2/3 is probably not sensible, as the ISA is quite limited for narrow data types, but with a SSE4.1 min-spec it should be feasible.

Challenges for this:

  • It’s a complete rewrite of the heart of the codec, even if we keep the current algorithms.
  • The current algorithms are based on iterating a single block, or iterating a single partition inside a single block. Loop counts tend to be small and not a multiple of vector length. If vectors expand to cover more items, we’ll get a higher percentage of masked idle lanes eating into any improvement.
  • Hardware gather loads only support 32-bit types, and we do get some benefit from them today. Indeed I’ve actually widened data structures for the current codec to allow more use of gathers.

Vector of blocks

The next idea would be to move to a warp-style data processing pipeline using ISPC, where we vectorize by processing one texel from multiple blocks in parallel rather than multiple texels from one block.

This has many theoretical advantages. We can amortize control-plane loads over more data processing, so flops-per-byte is higher and less likely to hit cache bottlenecks. It also easier to fill the full width of vectors with useful data, as we’re no longer reliant on a single block being able fill the vector, we just need more blocks.

The major disadvantage is that warp-style processing needs uniform control flow to keep blocks on the same control path. Any non-uniform control flow means masking out results, and losing efficiency. The current codec has complex control-plane heuristics to manage the search-space, so would be difficult to directly convert in to a vector-of-blocks processing pipeline.

I don’t have a clear solution here, but one idea is a multi-pass codec which processes all blocks in the image in iterations, sorting and regrouping based on control path between passes. Adding this would add significant overhead for the sync-and-sort between passes, which would reduce any potential uplift.

Predictive heuristics

Today we use extrapolating heuristics based on real data from the previous trial class for the current block, to predict if the next trial class is likely to be useful. We always iterate through all of the trial classes in order, as it’s statistically the order that is mostly likely, but obviously it’s the wrong order for blocks that actually benefit from the later trials.

It would be great if we could somehow predict the trial class order to use based on properties of the block data, allowing us to avoid redundant processing. Hard problem, due to quantization error, so we’d want to reorder trials rather than dropping some of them completely.

Partition selection

The current partition selection scheme is quite basic - we compute clusters to define the block partitioning, and then bit-match the texel cluster assignment against the target partition patterns. We don’t aim to quantify how bad the mismatches are based on color distance, just using the number of mismatches.

It would be interesting to see if we could somehow use a quantified partition search, and then use that to see if we could reduce the later cost of the actual partition fitting pass.

GPU compute compressor

This idea is somewhat orthogonal from the main compressor, but it would be interesting to have a GPU accelerated compressor. Or possibly two, one for high quality offline use, and one for low latency online use.

Very different trade-offs to a CPU compressor, and hard to make invariant across driver versions/vendors, so this would be a sibling product rather than a replacement.

The low-latency compressor is primarily useful for virtual texturing, and for mobile lossless and lossy framebuffer compression likely gives most of the bandwidth benefit without the need for a compute pass, so I’m in two minds about how useful this is likely to be in practice.

Small improvements

I still have a number of smaller ideas for incremental improvement to the current compressor. These will give smaller uplifts, but are likely ideas that could be applied to the current codec without a major rewrite.

Double buffer symbolic_block

Today we have a single “best” symbolic block, and we memcpy trials into this structure when the commute error beats the existing stored block.

We should look at allocating two symbolic_compressed_block structures which we use in a double-buffer fashion. The “front buffer” stores the block with the current best error, and the “back buffer” stores the scratch block we can use for trials. Swapping pointers when we get a new best should be much faster than copying the data around, albeit there will be a slight management overhead.

I tried this a long time ago and it didn’t make a significant difference, but now that the compressor is a lot faster it is probably worth trying again.

UPDATE 12/5/22: A first attempt to try this approach didn’t really work out; I always ended up needing to stash a subset of the workscb anyway as it is modified in place. Might be some small saving here, but it would require more invasive changes to find.

However, in refactoring the code to try the experiment I found another optimization where I could remove a large number of read-only data copies and the memory needed to store them.

Gain: +3% performance, implemented for 4.0.

Deferred refinement

Today we use our full refinement budget during the trial encoding of a block. It would be interesting to see if we could split our use of refinement into two passes.

This design would reduce the amount of refinement done early to select candidates. We would then apply a second pass of refinement over the best block candidate (or a small number of candidates), possibly exceeding the amount of refinement we apply today.

The challenge with this would be persisting some of the state across passes; refinement needs some of the “ideal” values which are currently not kept alongside the symbolic block.

UPDATE 12/5/22: A first attempt to use this based on keeping a single winning symbolic didn’t work well. The winner after 0 or 1 iteration isn’t the same as the winner after N refinement iterations, so we ended up keeping bad candidates. Also makes it harder to reliably early out when quality is hit or not. Probably shelved permanently unless I have a brainwave …

Symbolic blocks store descrambled weights

The ASTC encoding for weights uses a scrambled weight ordering which simplify the GPU hardware implementation of the decompressor. However for software we have to handle the reordering during compression. Today the main compressor is using the scrambled ordering during compression, which forces use to use lookup tables when encoding/decoding weights into their packed form.

One idea is to make symbolic blocks use linear encoded weights, and then apply the scrambling late when converting to/from a physical block. This will allow us to avoid some lookup tables, and make memory access order more predictable, and may even allow us to replace them with computation in some places.

UPDATE 12/5/22: This was relatively simple to implement. I changed the codec to defer scrambling\unscrambling to the physical layer, which means the core codec keeps everything in the 0-64 weight range. This a number of gather table lookups on the critical path.

Gain: +2% performance, implemented for 4.0.

Scale down color for decimation

The current technique for refining weight grids operates at texel-resolution, so we bilinear interpolate decimated weight grids back up to the higher resolution texel grid. This means the processing cost is O(texel_count), and uses expensive bilinear infills to recover the per-texel weight values.

IPSC TexComp does this the other way, and down-samples the color data to the decimated weight resolution. This means we pay the down-sample cost once, and have a processing cost of O(weight_count) which is typically between 15-40% lower than the texel count. This is possibly marginally less accurate, but I’m not sure how much and the performance gain is tempting …

Symbolic blocks avoid packed weights

Today the compressor creates and uses the packed weights - e.g. QUANT_6 weights are stored as stores integers in the range 0-5 during trials. In reality the packed weights cannot be directly used, so during compression we spend time packing/unpacking them. We do something similar with colors, converting all the way to packed integer values. When we want to assess the success of a trial we then have to unpick the value …

One idea is to defer the creation of the the packed values to the physical block encoding, and storing the “unpacked” equivalent which can be used directly. We may still need to transit via the packed form to make this bit-exact, but we could do this once in registers rather than every time the value is used.

UPDATE 12/5/22: This was relatively simple to implement alongside the change to weight scrambling. Packing moved to the physical layer, so the core codec keeps everything in the 0-64 weight range and needs fewer unpack passes.

Gain: +1% performance, implemented for 4.0.

State-space restricting trials

Today we have some major trial classes which vary plane count and partition count, and use heuristics to cull later classes based on empirical results of an earlier class.

What we don’t do today is use knowledge of what worked for an earlier trial class to intelligently adjust the search space of later trial classes. For example, if the 1 plane 1 partition search uses a weight quantization of N values it is probable that later searches with more planes/partitions will not exceed N (because they have less bits to play with).

UPDATE 12/5/22: Data gathering confirmed my hunch - 99.3% of blocks in later trials (multiple planes or partitions) will use the same or fewer quant levels as the 1 plane 1 partition trial, so we can use this to bound the search space used in later trials. This is a HUGE win for -medium or above. I still need to see if this idea can be applied more widely to other properties of the search.

Gain: +15% performance(!), implemented for 4.0.

State-space bisecting trials

Today we determine the amount of each trial class to run based on the current compressor heuristics, and will precompute intermediate values needed for all active modes in the class before selecting the best ones.

Rather than doing a complete intermediate value generation, it would be interesting to coarsely sample the state space to select a “good” block mode and then doing a second pass to infill around that to find the “best” block mode.

This idea assumes that block error behaves linearly enough for a coarse bisect to be viable, which isn’t always true for quantization error, but hopefully it’s enough to be useful even with an error margin applied.


As always, I tend to use these blogs to help order my thoughts, so I’ll keep this up to date as I think of new ideas.

  • None.