Shader branch performance is one of the topics that is most misunderstood by new developers, mostly due to an abundance of rehashed “branches are bad” information that is now years out of date. This blog is a rummage around the topic, looking at branches and loops.

TLDR: Used sensibly, branches are perfectly fine in modern GPU hardware. But there are some recommendations to get best performance out of them.

Taxonomy of branch execution

Shader programs are a sequence of instructions that make the GPU “do” something. For the purposes of this blog a branch is an instruction that can conditionally change the flow of control through that sequence.

So, what makes branches expensive for GPUs?

Ancient history

The original reason for the advice to avoid branches was quite simple. The very early programmable shader core hardware didn’t actually support them!

For conditional blocks, shader compilers would emit code to compute all blocks, including both if and else paths if they existed, and then use a conditional select to pick the result that was actually needed. You basically always paid the cost of every code path even if it was logically “branched over”.

For loops, shader compilers simply had to completely unroll them to remove the need for branches. Not a bad result, but this could easily result in shader programs exceeding the very small available program storage space in the early hardware.

For this generation of hardware, branches were therefore definitely “bad”. Luckily for us this is now ancient history and not relevant to modern GPUs.

DSP-like hardware

The next generations of hardware added support for native branches, allowing all of the control flow constructs that you would expect to see supported in a modern processor. However, the shader cores often used DSP-like approaches in their hardware design. These can be significantly impacted by the presence of branches, even if the branches themselves are not actually that slow.

For this hardware generation shader cores executed single threads as independent entities, predating the modern warp/wave designs we see today. Cores could issue multiple operations per clock from a single thread, but typically relied on static compile-time scheduling techniques such as VLIW instruction bundles and SIMD vector operations. These pipelines could be very fast, but relied upon the shader compiler being able to to find the parallelism inside each thread to fill the available width of the data path.

Compilers break programs into basic blocks, which are sets of instructions that are guaranteed to be executed together. When bundling sets of instructions from one thead to fill these wide pipelines, compilers will generally be restricted to bundling from within a single basic block. Branches are “bad” in this architecture because they break up the program into smaller basic blocks, and therefore give the compiler a smaller pool of instructions to use when trying to fill the pipeline.

The shader below computes a rather nasty (definitely not PBR) specular light contribution from two light sources. This entire shader is effectively a single basic block as there is no conditional flow anywhere in the program.

precision mediump float;

varying highp vec3 objectPos;
varying vec3 objectNml;
varying highp vec3 lightPos[2];
uniform vec3 lightDir[2];

vec4 specular(highp vec3 lightPos, vec3 lightDir) {
    float lightDist = length(objectPos - lightPos);
    float attenuation = 1.0 - (lightDist * 0.005);
    float intensity = max(dot(lightDir, normalize(objectNml)), 0.0);
    return vec4(max(exp(intensity) * attenuation, 0.0));

void main() {
  gl_FragColor = specular(lightPos[0], lightDir[0])
               + specular(lightPos[1], lightDir[1]);

Let’s compile this for Mali-T860, a Midgard architecture GPU with this type of hardware pipeline, using the Mali Offline Compiler. For this we can see that the expected performance is 4.5 cycles per fragment.

                     A      LS       T    Bound
Shortest path:    4.50    4.00    0.00        A
Longest path:     4.50    4.00    0.00        A

If you’ve not seen these reports before, the offline static analysis report gives a cycle estimate for the various parallel pipelines in the GPU. In this case “A” (arithmetic) is the dominant cost, at 4.5 cycles per thread. The “LS” (load/store pipe) costs 4 cycles a thread, but happens in parallel to the arithmetic so shouldn’t impact performance. There is no “T” (texturing).

Let’s try to naively optimize this by skipping over the specular computation for light sources that are too far away from the object we are rendering.

precision mediump float;

varying highp vec3 objectPos;
varying vec3 objectNml;
varying highp vec3 lightPos[2];
uniform vec3 lightDir[2];

float cutDist = 200.0;

vec4 specular(highp vec3 lightPos, vec3 lightDir) {
    float lightDist = length(objectPos - lightPos);
    if (lightDist < cutDist)
        float attenuation = 1.0 - (lightDist * 0.005);
        float intensity = max(dot(lightDir, normalize(objectNml)), 0.0);
        return vec4(max(exp(intensity) * attenuation, 0.0));
    return vec4(0.0);

void main() {
  gl_FragColor = specular(lightPos[0], lightDir[0])
               + specular(lightPos[1], lightDir[1]);

Compiling again we get …

                     A      LS       T    Bound
Shortest path:    4.00    4.00    0.00    A, LS
Longest path:     9.00    4.00    0.00        A

The shortest path with no lights active gets slightly faster, but the longest path with two lights active has half the performance! Adding branches to this shader has broken up the instruction stream into three basic blocks: the main outer scope, and one if block for each function call. Even though we’re notionally doing less work, the compiler cannot fill the issue width of the hardware and performance drops.

For this generation of hardware branches are therefore still “bad”, but for quite a different reason to the early shader hardware. Note, you can still find this generation of hardware in some older mobile devices, so beware if you are targeting devices that are 6+ years old, but it’s also now mostly consigned to history.

Scalar warp/wave hardware

Modern hardware is nearly all warp/wave based. In these designs the compiler generates a scalar instruction stream for each thread, and the hardware finds data-path parallelism by running multiple threads from the same draw call or compute dispatch in lockstep (each group being a warp or a wave).

In these designs branches are not free - there is still some overhead for condition checks and the branch itself - but they are very cheap because the performance of the hardware is not reliant on the compiler finding instruction-level parallelism inside a single thread. If we compile the example above for a Mali-G78 GPU, we can see:

No branch:

                     A      LS       V       T    Bound
Shortest path:    0.52    0.00    1.38    0.00        V
Longest path:     0.52    0.00    1.38    0.00        V

With early-out branch:

                     A      LS       V       T    Bound
Shortest path:    0.23    0.00    1.38    0.00        V
Longest path:     0.61    0.00    1.38    0.00        V

For our sample, we can see that shortest path now has a significantly lower arithmetic cost than the branchless case, and the longest path is only paying a ~20% overhead on the arithmetic path for the two branches needed. This seems like a high percentage, but in this case this is because the code being branched over is trivial.

For modern hardware branches are therefore not “free”, as you will need compares and the branch itself, but they are pretty inexpensive so don’t be too concerned about using them in moderation.


Okay, so branches are no longer “bad”, but there are recommendations to get the best performance.

Beware of warp/wave divergence

Every thread in a warp/wave must run the same instruction. Branches are therefore relatively cheap on modern hardware as long as the whole warp/wave branches the same way.

If you have divergent control flow, where only some of the threads take a control path then the threads on the “wrong” path are masked out, and are effectively wasted performance. If you have an if/else and end up with threads on both lanes then you’ve basically reinvented the original hardware where both paths get executed. Don’t do this. When designing branchy code, try to have uniform branches where all threads branch the same way.

Don’t use clever maths to avoid branches

On old hardware, shader developers evolved many tricks to avoid branches, using arithmetic sequences to replace the need for small branches. In my experience these generally hurt performance on modern hardware.

Most compilers can optimize away small branch sequences where it makes sense to do so, and the user “doing something clever” will normally defeat the compiler’s optimizer. If you do try being clever please use a tool like Mali Offline Compiler to check it actually helps.

Use literal constant loop limits

Mali GPUs still benefit from fully unrolled small loops, in particular when accessing uniform or constant arrays based on loop iteration index. The compiler can only do this if it knows the loop count at compile time, so where possible use literal loop limits instead of limits read from uniforms.

Still consider shader specialization

Branches are now inexpensive, but not totally free. As a GPU performance engineer I’m still going to argue that compile-time shader specialization to avoid branches is going to give you the best results in terms of GPU performance.

In addition, complex “uber shaders” with lots of branches will tend to have higher register usage than simpler shaders which contain only what they need. Higher register usage can in turn reduce shader core thread occupancy if usage goes over a break point. For example, on recent Mali cores you only get full occupancy if a shader uses 32 or fewer work registers.

However, the GPU isn’t the only thing you are trying to optimize. Using some uniform branches to control shader behavior can significantly reduce the number of program variants you need to manage, which in turn helps other aspects of performance such as making batching easier. Find a pragmatic balance.


  • 30 Mar ‘22: Added a note on register occupancy limitations.