One of the requirements we have for astcenc is ensuring that the output of the codec is consistent across instruction sets. Users quite like having the choice of NEON, SSE4.1, or AVX2 SIMD when their machine supports it – faster compression is always good – but no dev team wants a game build that looks different just because a different machine was used to build it.

With the upcoming 2.5 release we’ve decided to aim for invariance by default, even though it has a slight performance hit, because it just makes life easier for downstream game developers. This week threw up an interesting set of case studies for where invariance goes wrong …

Before I go off a ramble about floating-point maths, the important learning point of this blog is that by the end of it you’ll know how to write an invariant vector-length independent accumulator implementation, and some of the common pitfalls that occur along the way …

Floating-point is evil

The root cause of invariance problems is floating-point arithmetic. Due to the dynamic precision of floating-point numbers, the accuracy of the number represented by a sequence of processing operations depends on the values of the numbers involved. Changing the order of operations changes the value of the intermediate numbers, which changes the precision, which changes the accumulated error, which ultimately changes the final result.

This sensitivity to ordering is the reason why IEEE754 is so fussy about the associativity of operations, and strict adherence to the specification prevents many compiler optimizations that involve reassociation. When we write this in code:

float result = a + b + c + d;

… the compiler in strict mode must process it as:

float result = (((a + b) + c) + d);

Interestingly, just adding parentheses to a floating-point expression can improve performance. Writing the code as:

float result = (a + b) + (c + d);

… allows a CPU implementation to issue the two partial sums in parallel, whereas the original code requires the three additions to be run serially.

Floating-point meets SIMD

As part of the optimization work for the astcenc 2.x series, I’ve been adding extensive vectorization for all of the usual architecture candidates: SSE, AVX, and (of course) NEON. Many seemingly innocent patterns of SIMD usage introduce reassociation differences, and most months see me hunting down a new unintended variability that I’ve introduced …

Example pattern

One of the basic building blocks of a texture compressor is the error summation loop. Given a candidate encoding, iterate through all of the texels and compute the error between the encoding and the original data. Do this for many encodings, and then pick those that give the lowest accumulated error.

The essence of such a loop looks like this:

float error_sum;

for (int i = 0; i < texel_count; i++) {
	float diff = original[i] - encoding[i];
	error_sum += diff * diff;

… and a common vectorization might look like:

vfloat4 error_sumv;

// Process full vectors
int clipped_texel_count = round_down_to_simd_multiple(texel_count)
for (i = 0; i < clipped_texel_count; i += SIMD_WIDTH) {
	vfloat4 diff = original[i..i+SIMD_WIDTH] - encoding[i..i+SIMD_WIDTH];
	error_sumv += diff * diff;

// Process loop tail
float error_sum = horizontal_sum(error_sumv);
for (/* */; i < texel_count; i++) {
	float diff = original[i] - encoding[i];
	error_sum += diff * diff;

Problem 1: it looks the same, but isn’t really …

The vectorization above looks innocent enough. On the face of it, it is a simple like-for-like translation of the C code. However, this code has already introduced two changes that introduce invariance problems compared to the original scalar implementation. Let’s look at what the operations here are actually doing under the hood when adding ten iterations …

The scalar code is doing a simple linear accumulation:

float error_sum = ((((((((0 + 1) + 2) + 3) + 4) + 5) + 6) + 7) + 8) + 9;

The vector code looks like it’s doing the same thing, but by using a vector accumulator we’re actually accumulating lane-wise, so the accumulator in the vector loop contains:

vfloat4 error_sumv { (0 + 4), (1 + 5), (2 + 6), (3 + 7) };

… which we then horizontal sum before starting the scalar loop tail. SIMD horizontal summation will be a halving reduction in all current SIMD implementations, which will recursively add folded vectors until only a scalar value remains.

float error_sum = ((0 + 4) + (2 + 6)) + ((1 + 5) + (3 + 7));

… and then finally we add the loop tail on the end of this.

float error_sum = (((0 + 4) + (2 + 6)) + ((1 + 5) + (3 + 7)) + 8) + 9;

In terms of associativity, despite looking similar in the source code, it’s really not very similar at all!

Actually making scalar code and vector code behave the same with reassociation is a little fiddly. A purely scalar implementation cannot match this in-vector partial summation behavior, as it just doesn’t have all the data at the same time to do the required reordering. Unpacking a vector so that horizontal operations can be done in linear order to match the scalar behavior throws away the performance benefits we wanted to gain by using SIMD in the first place.

To solve this problem for astcenc I decided to change our reference no-SIMD implementation to use 4-wide vectors, and reordered the internal scalar implementation of the horizontal operations such as dot() and hsum() to match the halving reduction pattern that the hardware SIMD instruction sets all use. So that’s the first problem solved, at the expense of no-SIMD code size!

Problem 2: variable-width accumulators

The next problem we hit was caused by variable-width accumulators. When we are targeting AVX2 the vectors are twice as wide, so the horizontal summation phase adds 8 values at a time before adding that into the accumulator. This is another association change, effectively changing from this in 4-wide code:

accumulator = (accumulator + iteration0) + iteration1;

… to this in 8-wide code:

accumulator = accumulator + (iteration0 + iteration1);

The only fix here is to avoid variable sized accumulators, so I standardized on using vec4 accumulators in all of the vectorized loops, with AVX2 making two serial vec4 additions into the accumulator for the low and high halves of the vector. This is slightly slower, but this is a price we must pay if we want to achieve an invariant output.

Note: It’s worth noting that this approach is the wrong thing to do if your aim is to minimize floating-point error. The AVX2 implementation here would give statistically lower error, as we are combining two smaller numbers before combining into a larger one, which gives some scope for small errors to cancel out.

Problem 3: variable-sized loop tails

The final problem I hit was caused by the vector loop tails. The typical design for a vector loop is to round down to the nearest multiple of the vector width, and then use a scalar loop tail to clean up the remainder. The problem here is that we are supporting instruction sets with different vector lengths. If we have a loop of 13 items, SSE would vectorize 12 and loop tail the last 1, whereas AVX2 can only vectorize 8 and loop tail the last 5.

Up to this point our loop tail is still just scalar code, which means that this causes us another invariance problem. The 4-wide code does:

float error_sum = ((0 + 4 + 8) + (2 + 6 + 10)) + ((1 + 5 + 9) + (3 + 7 + 11)) + 12;

.. whereas the 8-wide code does:

float error_sum = ((0 + 4) + (2 + 6)) + ((1 + 5) + (3 + 7)) + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12;

There are a few possible fixes here, but most have downsides.

The quickest, but least acceptable in terms of impact, is just to round down all of the vector loops based on the largest vector size that can be supported. This guarantees that all build variants run the loop tail the same number of times, which solves the invariance nicely. However, it also means you get less benefit from vectorization for the smaller SIMD widths, as you will fall back to loop tails more often. In the example above SSE would only be allowed vectorize the first 8 elements.

The fix I chose for astcenc was to make all loop tails accumulate their diffs into a vfloat4 staging variable, and then accumulate this into the vector accumulator when it gets full. The loop tail therefore behaves exactly like an extension of the vector path, for a little added management overhead.

The code ends up looking like this:

vfloat4 error_sumv;

// Process full vectors
int clipped_texel_count = round_down_to_simd_multiple(texel_count)
for (i = 0; i < clipped_texel_count; i += SIMD_WIDTH) {
	// Vector length agnostic code
	vfloat diff = original[i..i+SIMD_WIDTH] - encoding[i..i+SIMD_WIDTH];

	// ... but always accumulate into vfloat4 running sum
	haccumulate(error_sumv, diff);

// Process loop tail
vfloat4 staging_error = vfloat4::zero();
for (/* */; i < texel_count; i++) {
	float diff = original[i] - encoding[i];

	// Stage error sums in a vfloat4
	int staging_index = i % 4;
	staging_error[staging_index] = diff * diff;

	// Merge full error sums into the vector accumulator as AVX2 may have a
	// tail longer than 4 items so run though the staging more than once ...
	if (staging_index == 3)	{
		haccumulate(error_sumv, staging_error);
		staging_error = vfloat4::zero();

// Merge left-over partial error sums from the tail into the vector accumulator
haccumulate(error_sumv, staging_error);

// Only scalarize the result at the very end ...
float error_sum = horizontal_sum(error_sumv);

… and with that you have an invariant vectorizable accumulator, that can cope with variable length vector instruction sets!

In practice invariance isn’t really that hard, but the “obvious” way to write the code is a pit-trap, and you need to pay attention to the details to get a stable output.

Other invariance issues

While not related to accumulators, we have hit other invariance issues related to SIMD implementations. I’ll try to keep this up to date as we hit new issues so it becomes a bit of a reference page.

Problem 4: Compiler settings

In the general case, if you want determinism you will need to ensure your compiler is conforming to IEEE754 associativity rules. Optimizations for “fast math” can change associativity and introduce invariance problems, so make sure they are turned off.

Full strict mode is only needed if you care about exact fenv() and exception behavior. My suggested default settings are to use precise floating-point but with contractions, such as FMA and DOT product extensions, explicitly disabled.

Note: If you are supporting multiple compilers, beware that the default floating-point mode and contraction behavior is inconsistent across compilers and even across versions of the same compiler. Be explicit about what you need to get guarantees of cross-compiler portability.

Problem 5: Fast approximations

Many SIMD instruction sets include operations that give “fast” approximations of other operations, trading accuracy for speed.

A good example here is something that replaces divides (a / d) with reciprocals (a * recip(d)), or divisions by square root (a / sqrt()) with the faster (a * rsqrt()). These approximate instructions have two major problems.

The first problem is that they are not actually as fast as they seem. The initial approximation may be very fast, but for most algorithms the result is too imprecise. One or two Newton-Raphson iterations are usually needed to bring the precision up to a useful level, which often eliminates any performance gain.

The real killer issue for us, where we care about invariance, is that these operations are not tightly specified. The result they give isn’t consistent across vendors, or even CPUs from the same vendor.

In general, avoid. These instructions are past their prime, and on modern CPUs hardware you don’t see any performance benefit anyway.

Problem 6: Fused operations

Many SIMD instruction sets include fused multiply-accumulate operations, either as simple FMA operations or as part of a composite such as a dot product. Fused operations are usually faster, as well as running at increasing precision because intermediate values are transient inside the hardware and can be stored at higher precision than a 32-bit float in a register.

The performance would be great for us, but the higher intermediate precision is a killer for invariance because it cannot be sensibly emulated in other ISAs. Automatic compiler-generated contractions therefore end up on the ban list.

Note 1: Ryg points out that you can safely use manually inserted contractions in cases where you can guarantee that the intermediate value is exactly representable in 32-bit floating-point. One useful case for compressors is exploiting the fact that all integer values less than 224 (1,677,216) can be represented exactly. While this is a relatively low range it is perfect for handling error summation, as we are processing small blocks of e.g. 8-bit color and 6-bit weights.

Note 2: These can give good performance benefits, as we have so many operations that look like FMAs and modern FMA ISA extensions can fuse many styles of FMA (fused mul-then-add, fused add-then-mul, fused mul-then-sub, etc.). We do support these, but only the user explicitly turns off invariance at build time.

Problem 7: Standard library functions

A lot of the standard library operations that end up as hardware instructions seem pretty consistent across hardware implementations, but the more complex composite ones that end up as library functions tend to be more variable. We’ve had issues with Microsoft’s standard library for Visual Studio (including for their LLVM toolset) giving different results to Linux GCC/LLVM, for example.

This unfortunately means that if you want to have cross-vendor invariance you can’t really rely on the standard library for anything, and you’ll need to provide your own implementation of any maths functions.

This has some upsides, as the standard library can be overkill for a lot of problems, so you can trade accuracy for speed.

  • You can write less precise versions that are “good enough” for your problem.
  • You can write specialized implementations that exploit properties for your input data - e.g. known to be greater than zero, and not a NaN or Infinity.
  • You can write vector versions than compute multiple results in parallel.

… but don’t undertake this lightly. Testing math functions for accuracy over the range of inputs you might use is critical to ensure your program doesn’t run off into the weeds …

Problem 8: Stable min/max lane select

While not related to accumulators, when @aras_p contributed the new vector-length-agonistic SIMD last year, he found an issue caused by code responsible for finding the index of the smallest value in a data set.

In scalar code these loops look something like:

int best_index = -1;
float best_error = MAX_FLOAT;
for (int i = 0; i < max_index, i++) {
	float error = compute_error();

	if (error < best_error) {
		best_index = i;
		best_error = error;

In vector code these loops get a bit more interesting to implement, with some interesting select()-foo needed. For the purposes of this sample I’ll ignore loop tails, as they are not directly relevant.

vint best_indexv(-1);
vfloat best_errorv(MAX_FLOAT);
vint lane_ids = vint::lane_id();

for (int i = 0; i < max_index; i += SIMD_WIDTH)
	vfloat error = compute_error();

	// Select lanes where the new error is better than lane's current value
	vmask mask = error < best_errorv;

	// Merge error and index for these lanes into the tracker
	best_errorv = select(best_errorv, error, mask);
	best_indexv = select(best_indexv, lane_ids, mask);

	// Bump the lane index values for next time around
	lane_ids = lane_ids + vint(SIMD_WIDTH);

// At the end select a single index from the vector BUT if you have multiple
// lanes with the best error score ensure that you pick the smallest `i` NOT
// the value of `i` that is in the lowest vector lane (as this will not be
// invariant with vector width).

// Create a mask for all lanes that have the best error
vmask lane_mask = best_errorv == hmin(best_errorv);

// Set all other lanes to max int so they play no part in the match
best_index = select(vint(MAX_INT), best_indexv, lane_mask);

// Find the minimum index of the remaining values
best_indexv = hmin(best_indexv);

// Extract scalar value of the min index
int best_index = best_indexv.lane<0>();

The issue here is that multiple lanes may have the lowest value, and we needed to add code to deterministically return the lane with the lowest index rather than a random match, because this changed which encoding was used for the rest of the search. This is a fun case of invariance issues that are not related to floating-point code; you’d have this problem with integer trackers too.

Note: Ryg points out that another way to do this is to store the index into the low bits of the best error mantissa, so you can pack error and index into a single sortable value. Indices are unique so you guarantee a single winner, and the precision loss is negligible even with ASTC needing to store a 12-bit index.


  • 26 Feb ‘21: Added “Other invariance issues” topic.
  • 28 Feb ‘21: Added “Standard library” topic.
  • 25 Aug ‘24: Updated advice on compiler settings to suggest precise, thanks Ryg.
  • 25 Aug ‘24: Added note on using manual contractions.
  • 25 Aug ‘24: Added note on using packing index into mantissa for sorts.

Thanks to Aras and Ryg for the contributions and corrections.