Recent Arm CPUs have provided a new SIMD instruction set, the Arm Scalable Vector Extension (SVE). SVE makes the ISA independent of vector length, allowing CPUs to provide different performance points without having to invent a new ISA each time.

Most of the Arm-designed CPUs implement a 128-bit SVE or SVE2 data path, but the Arm Neoverse V1 CPU provides a 256-bit SVE implementation. The wider vector implementation was something I just had to try and optimize astcenc compression for …

What is SVE?

The Scalable Vector Extension is a recent extension to the Arm ISA, providing a new SIMD instruction set that lives alongside the existing NEON instructions. It brings a collection of interesting new capabilities.

Variable vector lengths

The most commonly known feature of SVE is the “scalable” aspect. The ISA does not define a fixed vector length, allowing each CPU design to choose a vector length that meets its cost/performance goal.

It is possible to write vector-length agnostic (VLA) software that allows a single binary to run on any SVE implementation. However, this is not required and it also possible to write code that requires a specific vector length that is known at compile time.

Predicated operations

Most operations in SVE allow lane predication, using dedicated predicate mask registers to control which parts of a data register are modified by an operation, read from memory, or written to memory.

Predicates have two useful advantages.

The first is that we can handle loop tail masking without needing extra mask operations. We can just inline them into the data processing operations.

The second is that predicates have their own dedicated register file, so we free up normal vector registers for other data. Arm v8 NEON has 32 registers, which is a lot compared to SSE and AVX2 which only have 16, but even this gets tight when vectorizing data using structure-of-arrays striped data layouts. More registers always helps …

Native scatter/gather operations

NEON has the vtbl family of operations, which allow efficient indexed lookup from a register-based table, but the fact the table is held in registers limits it to relatively small lookup tables. With no native gather support for larger data tables, NEON algorithms must fall back to scalar code.

SVE adds support for native scatter and gather instructions. The Neoverse V1 load/store implementation of a 8-wide 32-bit gather-load is no faster than doing 4x 32-bit pairwise loads. However, it avoids all the overhead of converting to-and-from scalar code that NEON requires.

Adoption approach

For the astcenc implementation of SVE I decided to implement a fixed-width 256-bit implementation, where the vector length is known at compile time.

The first reason for this is the astcenc vector library uses a class-based abstraction that wraps the intrinsic data type as a member variable. The length-agnostic SVE types are sizeless and so cannot be used as member variables and must be stack allocated. Porting to VLA is therefore not a native drop-in for our abstraction. This is fixable, but it’s not something that I had the appetite to change this time around.

The second reason is that making performant VLA code produce invariant output with our existing implementation doesn’t seem easy. In my earlier blog I introduced how I made floating-point accumulators ISA invariant by always accumulating in vec4 chunks.

SVE makes it easy to make vector code invariant with scalar code with the new linear reduction ADDA instruction, which is great for compiler auto-vectorization of accumulators, but there isn’t an equivalent for quad-wise lane reduction. It is functionally possible, but it requires a software loop, and this is something you really don’t want to add to your inner loop processing hot paths.

It should be noted that using a static 256-bit approach still allows us to use SVE to augment 128-bit operations, such as using vec4 gathers. In these cases we just need to manually use the SVE predicate to disable the top 128 bits when touching memory.

The implementation

The implementation was relatively straight-forward. The style of the SVE intrinsics is very similar NEON, so I had a basic implementation up and running in an afternoon. The hardest part was getting a new enough compiler (Clang 17) to pick up a pre-packaged version NEON-SVE bridge header, which allows conversion between NEON and SVE data types.

There were a few cases where the abstraction given by our SIMD library needed refactoring to benefit from the new capabilities in SVE. For example, the codec uses narrowing stores where we store the bottom 8 bits from each 32-bit vector lane. The original API, designed as a thin wrapper around SSE/AVX2/NEON, exposed this as two separate operations:

  • Pack values to the bottom lanes*8 bits of a register.
  • Store the bottom lanes*8 bits of a register to memory.

To benefit from SVE, the wrapper API abstraction needed raising to expose the higher-level concept of a narrowing store, emulating this with the sequence above for the older SIMD implementations that can’t do it natively.

Performance results

Performance was a lot better than I expected, giving between 14 and 63% uplift. Larger block sizes benefitted the most, as we get higher utilization of the wider vectors and fewer idle lanes.

I found the scale of the uplift somewhat surprising as Neoverse V1 allows 4-wide NEON issue, or 2-wide SVE issue, so in terms of data-width the two should work out very similar. I need to investigate more, but the fundamentals reasons seem to be:

  • Using SVE places less pressure on the instruction decoders. It’s easier to issue two SVE operations per clock than four NEON operations.
  • Using SVE places less pressure on the register file. It’s easier to store data in two SVE registers than four NEON registers. We also free up additional registers due to use of predicate registers for vmask data types.
  • Using SVE reduces the number of loop iterations, reducing the number of cycles lost to loop-carried dependencies between iterations.
  • Using SVE gives access to some new functionality, such as gathers and predicated load/store, which is more expensive when emulated in the NEON implementation.

Useful operations

The following operations were notable improvements over NEON equivalents.

  • Gather loads (svld1_gather...()) for both vec4 and vec8 data types.
  • Tables lookups (svtbl...()) use full register width for tables, and so can store tables in fewer registers when on a 256-bit implementation.
  • Masked accumulators (svadd_f32_m()) for partial vectors, without needing additional data masking operations or data registers to hold masks.
  • Masked stores (svst1_u32()) for partial vector writes, without a needing a scalar fallback.
  • Narrowing stores (svst1b_u32()) for writing the bottom of N bits of a register lane to contiguous memory, without needing manual pre-store compaction.
  • Widening loads (svld1ub_s32()) for reading the bottom of N bits of a register lane from contiguous memory, without needing manual post-load expansion.

Future work

I’ve only just scratched the surface of SVE with an implementation that is mostly a direct port of the original NEON implementation, except for the cases where the NEON was using a scalar fallback that had an obvious replacement. I have also not yet had a chance to try SVE2, as the Neoverse V1 I have access to doesn’t support it. I’m sure there are other new instructions that can be used to further optimize the performance of the existing codec.

While I have no immediate plan to do it, I would like to try and write a new codec implementation that uses integer types. In general, this could have a number of advantages for performance, allowing us to do more operations in parallel using 8-bit and 16-bit integer operations.

Specifically for SVE, in moving away from floating-point we also remove the invariance issues, which means we should be able to write this new codec in a way that is amenable to SVE’s preferred VLA style.



  • 6 Aug ‘24: Added widening loads to useful operation list.
  • 7 Aug ‘24: Added note on higher-level abstractions in SIMD library.